Home Style Vanilla Ice Cream


Serving Size:
1/2 cup

    Diet Types:
  • CKD non-dialysis
  • Diabetes
  • Dialysis
  • Lower Protein


  • 1 cup low cholesterol egg product
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cups liquid nondairy creamer
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • rock salt and ice (for ice cream machine)


  1. Using a 1-quart, microwavable bowl, beat egg product and sugar until well blended.
  2. Stir in non-dairy creamer and microwave for 1 minute, or until mixture thickens.
  3. Remove from heat. When cool, stir in vanilla.
  4. Pour mixture into center container of the ice cream machine.
  5. Layer ice and rock salt around container, alternating layers until bucket is full.
  6. Process according to manufacturer’s instructions for your particular ice cream machine. 

Helpful hints

  • If you have an ice cream machine, pour mixture in and follow manufacturer instructions.
  • This recipe may be doubled. Freeze extra for a later treat.
  • Variations can be made by adding 1-1/2 cups of low-potassium fruit of choice such as fresh strawberries or peaches. When adding fruit, increase sugar to 2/3 cup.
  • Coffee Rich® non-dairy creamer and Egg Beaters® low-cholesterol egg product were used in the development of this recipe. If these brand-name products are not available in your area, ask your renal dietitian about substitute products.
  • One serving counts as 4 ounces of liquid in a dialysis diet.

Nutrients per serving

Calories 159

Protein 3 g

Carbohydrates 22 g

Fat 6 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 64 mg

Potassium 87 mg

Phosphorus 36 mg

Calcium 15 mg

Fiber 0 g

Kidney and kidney diabetic food choices

  • 1/2 non-dairy
  • 1 high calorie

Carbohydrate choices


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